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Students in the ninth cycle will be summoned via e-mail for a mandatory informational meeting by the Pre-professional Performance Coordination before the end of the semester.

Eligible students, according to the Academic Secretary, must choose a suitable internship center by the eighth week of the semester. This process may begin prior to enrollment.

Performance must be formalized with the signing of an Agreement or Specific Learning Plan (PEA).

These documents need to be approved by the Faculty and signed by the Dean prior to the start of the internship or, at the latest, within the first month of the internship period.

A PUCP faculty advisor is assigned to supervise compliance with the learning plan during the internship.

Students must prepare a Digital Portfolio with evidence of the competencies and skills developed, supervised by the internship center and the advisor.

At the end of the internship, the internship center will issue a certificate of completion.

The student's performance will be evaluated by both the PUCP advisor and the center's supervisor, each contributing 50% of the final grade.

 To opt for the degree through this route, the student must submit a work based on his/her portfolio.

he grades and documentation of pre-professional performance are reviewed and approved by the course coordinator and subsequently entered into the academic system.